The database server appears to be offline.
The database server at localhost appears to be offline. Try to setup/reset the DB to see if that helps. Check the error message below for more suggestions.

Note: On some older installations, this message could be a false positive. You can opt-out of these warnings below.
Error: Failed to connect to MySQL database. Error connecting to MySQL database on host 'localhost' with username 'mutillidae' and password 'mutillidae'. First, try to reset the database (ResetDB button on menu). Next, check that the database service is running and that the database username, password, database name, and database location are configured correctly. Note: File /mutillidae/classes/MySQLHandler.php contains the database configuration. Connection error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Opt out of database warnings
You can opt out of database connection warnings for the remainder of this session